(480) 668-8301
6402 E. Superstition Springs Blvd.,
Mesa AZ, 85206
  Toll Free: 877-271-9389


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Pornography & Sexual Addiction Treatment

LifeSTAR is a three phased treatment program for pornography and sexually compulsive behavior. It is designed for adult heterosexual men and their wives. The program is based upon the pioneering work of Patrick Carnes, Pia Mellody, Claudia Black, Jon Bradshaw, Rob Weiss, Don Hilton and other professional clinicians who have researched this topic over the past 30 years.

Our program is superior to other interventions for three reasons:

  • We have an established system for participants to track their growth in recovery
  • There is a high level of collaboration within our program between therapists
  • The program is updated to reflect current science and research

While other programs do not have an established system, we have a series of workbook materials and tasks that participants utilize to progress in recovery. This standardized process has been polished over the past fifteen years of working with hundreds of clients struggling with sexual compulsion. Additionally, we hire a team of specialists who already have experience with these complicated issues. Our specialists work together and regularly discuss the situation of all the participants, collaborating on the needs of those in the program. Finally, we attend the annual LifeSTAR conference to review current research and trends within the field of sexual addiction. The latest science is updated within the workbooks, and current techniques brought into our group interventions. In summary, our program has a polished system for treatment, bolstered by current research, and implemented by a team of specialists who collaborate and plan for individual participant needs.

Phase I: The “Getting Started Workshop”

The first phase of the program is called the “Getting Started Workshop.” It is a six-week psycho-educational class. This phase provides participants with a basic understanding about sexual addiction and the underlying issues. The primary focus of this phase is education. When clients are well-informed about the issues that influence addiction, they can make specific changes. Guess work is eliminated. It is intended for any adult male in recovery and his spouse. The husband begins learning about his addiction, while his spouse learns about healing her own emotional wounds. We strongly recommend that married couples come together so they can begin the process of education at the same time. However, the workshop is also for single adults and for those clients whose partners are not willing to attend. Likewise, it is appropriate for wives whose husbands are unwilling or unable to attend. Unlike a support group or 12-Step meeting, a licensed professional counselor who specializes in these issues facilitates LifeSTAR.

Cost: $450

Phase II: The Recovery Group

The second phase of LifeSTAR involves integration of all the concepts learned in phase one. Participants are expected to practice tools and establish an ability to maintain sobriety. This phase requires hard work. Husbands and wives follow workbook materials and attend gender-specific groups to present what they’ve learned and report their progress. This phase of the program is self-paced, which means that participants remain within this phase until they have successfully completed the tasks. Most participants are typically in this phase anywhere between six to eighteen months, depending upon individual motivation and growth. Movement into the final phase of the program is discussed with the therapist as the participant completes the tasks. We are less concerned about how long a participant stays in phase two and more concerned about how proficient they become at utilizing tools, maintaining sobriety, and understanding their problem. Growth is the main objective.

The workbooks for addicts in Phase two focuses on providing a deeper look at denial, the addiction cycle, fantasies and objectification, relapse prevention, and healthy living. Partner’s workbooks take a deeper look at how her spouse’s behavior has affected her thoughts and behavior, learn how to establish healthy boundaries with their partner, and learn to effectively cope with anger and other emotions. Additionally, spouses are taught the impact of emotional trauma this issue has created as well as ways to heal and mend their relationship.

Cost: $200/month or $250 for a 5-week month

Phase III: The Advanced Group

The third phase of LifeSTAR involves emotional processing. As in the previous phase, husbands and wives work within respective groups according to their gender. After participants have established solid tools and maintained sobriety, they come into this phase of the program to address emotional issues that contribute to the addiction. Men must develop an ability to recognize emotion and express it in healthy ways. Some men have brought trauma from childhood that also must be addressed. Similarly, wives will address emotional trauma related to their husband’s addiction. Sometimes this trauma creates codependency behaviors in order to cope, which also must be addressed.

Most participants are typically in this phase anywhere between eight to eighteen months, depending upon individual growth. Graduation is discussed with the therapist after the participant completes his/her tasks. Participants must be capable of maintaining new healthy lifestyles. Once the addiction has been stopped and the underlying issues have been addressed, healthy lifestyle changes are reinforced in order to keep the addiction from reappearing. For couples in the program, this is the time to practice their new lifestyle and new way of relating to each other. In Phase III, they put into practice all of the identity and boundary training they have received throughout the first and second phases.

Cost: $200/month or $250 for a 5-week month

For additional information, please contact our office at 480-668-8301.

LifeSTAR Forms